صورة "المحمل المصري" المعمول في الأصل لنقل كسوة الكعبة المصنوعة في مصر، المحمل متبوع بقافلة حجاج، يظهر في وسط الصورة عثمان باشا

Genre/Subject Matter:
This street view depicts the arrival at Mecca of the Egyptian ‘mahmal’ – an embroidered silk-covered structure mounted on a camel – followed by a caravan of pilgrims. Originally designed to contain the Egyptian-made kiswa, the cloth that covers the Caaba, this mahmal would likely have been empty.
Othman Pascha is depicted at the centre foreground of the image, wearing ceremonial robes, featuring a mirrored paisley (boteh) pattern as well as a sash and carrying a sword.
Printed above image, in ink:
Printed beneath image, in ink:
‘Othman Pascha mit dem egyptischen Maẖmal.’
Extent and format
1 print of a drawing
Physical characteristics
187 x 230 mm
1 print of a drawing
The print is in good condition.
Written in
German in Latin script
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