عرض مشاركة واحدة
قديم 05-04-2020, 01:19 AM
محمد عبد الوكيل محمد عبد الوكيل غير متواجد حالياً
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

صورة جمعت تاجر هندي و ثلاثة أتراك وطفل

Genre/Subject Matter:

This group portrait shows an Indian merchant and three Turkish officials as well as a young boy. The title notes that the Indian merchant is ‘distinguished’ or ‘noble’.

While two of the men – seated at left and standing at left – each wear a janbiya at their waist under their outer robes, the man seated second from right holds a sword in its scabbard.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. In particular the original background has been substituted completely, aside from elements of the rug on which they are standing and seated.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Vornehmer indischer Kaufmann und türkische Beamte in Mekka.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

183 x 247 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

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