بِسْمِ اللَّـهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
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العودة   منتـدى آخـر الزمـان > أرشيف جزيرة العرب > أرشيف جزيرة العرب > صور


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قديم 05-04-2020, 01:22 AM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

صورة تاجر وخادمه

Genre/Subject Matter:

This group portrait shows a merchant, likely a Meccan, described in the title as the representative of the Grand Scharīf, and his Circassian slave.

Both men wear embroidered or printed robes; while the man on the left’s outer robe is made of plain cloth, the merchant’s outer robe is made of material printed with a recurring, perhaps floral pattern and what appear to be embroidered lapels. He carries a string of beads in his right hand and wears a light-coloured turban. The man described as a slave wears a fez.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places, particularly in the face of the merchant. The original background has been substituted completely.

Temporal Context

The photograph was taken between March 1886 and February 1887, according to Durkje van der Wal in his publication Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje: The First Western Photographer in Mecca, 1884-1885 , Amsterdam : Manfred & Hanna Heiting Fund, Rijksmuseum, 2011, p. 36. This attribution is based on unpublished correspondence in the Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje Archive, University of Leiden Library.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Vornehmer Kaufmann (Bevollmنchtigter des Grossscherifs) mit seinem cirkassischen Sklaven.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

249 x 185 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-04-2020, 02:06 AM
محمد عبد الوكيل
هذه الرسالة حذفت بواسطة محمد عبد الوكيل.
قديم 05-04-2020, 02:12 AM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 19-07-2017
الدولة: ارض الله
المشاركات: 554
معدل تقييم المستوى: 8
ميراد is on a distinguished road

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

جزاكم الله خيرا على النشر..

الصور للجاسوس الهولندي (كِرِسْتِيَانْ سنُوُك هِرْخُرُونْيَهْ) (Christiaan Snouck Hurgronje) كان مقيم بجدة يراقب منزل أحد الأثرياء الأندونسسين، له كتاب مترجم للعربية في جزئين كتاب صفحات من مكة يوثق الحياة المكية خلال تلك الفترة.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-04-2020, 02:48 PM
محمد عبد الوكيل
هذه الرسالة حذفت بواسطة محمد عبد الوكيل.
قديم 05-04-2020, 03:14 PM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ميراد مشاهدة المشاركة
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.

جزاكم الله خيرا على النشر..

الصور للجاسوس الهولندي (كِرِسْتِيَانْ سنُوُك هِرْخُرُونْيَهْ) (christiaan snouck hurgronje) كان مقيم بجدة يراقب منزل أحد الأثرياء الأندونسسين، له كتاب مترجم للعربية في جزئين كتاب صفحات من مكة يوثق الحياة المكية خلال تلك الفترة.

وعليكم السلام ورحمة الله وبركاته

وخيرا جزاكم الله وبارك فيكم .. يبدو مما جاء في بعض المقالات أنه لعب دورا كبيرا في اختراق المجتمع المسلم آنذاك، مكث 6 أشهر في جدة و6 أخرى في مكة .. بعد أن تظاهر الجاسوس باعتناقه الإسلام واستعار لنفسه اسم "عبد الغفار"، درس عادات المجتمع الإسلامي في مكة عن كثب في فرصة قلما أتيحت للكفار بسبب حرمة تواجدهم هناك، ودرس التعاليم الإسلامية ومن أهمها الجهاد وفتاوى دار الإسلام ودار الحرب لاختراق ثورات المسلمين ضد المحتل واضعافها لتسيطر دول الإستعمار الأوربية على البلدان الإسلامية المحتلة.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-04-2020, 03:19 PM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

محمد عبد العزيز ابن الشريف الأكبر

Genre/Subject Matter:

This half-length standing portrait shows Muhammad Abd-èl-‘Azīz, the son of the Grand Scharīf. The young boy faces to his left and clutches the hilt of a sword or dagger at his waist.

He wears a loose-fitting robe with a thin sash across his right shoulder and a fez on his head.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Muhammed Abd èl-Azīz, Sohn des reg. Grossscherifs.’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 94 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-04-2020, 03:23 PM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

صورة ابن أخ أو أخت الشريف الأكبر

Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length standing portrait shows a very young boy, described in the title as a nephew of the Grand Scharīf. The boy faces to his left but looks towards the camera. His right hand holds the sash at his waist, which in turn holds a ceremonial janbiya in place.

He wears a loose-fitting robe with a thin sash across his left shoulder and a turban on his head.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in many places. The original background has been substituted completely, except for the carpet the child stands on.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Neffe des reg. Grossscherifs’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 93 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-04-2020, 03:26 PM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

صورة ابن أخ أو أخت الشريف الأكبر

Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length standing portrait shows a very young boy, described in the title as a nephew of the Grand Scharīf. The boy faces forward towards the camera.

A complicated sash, buckle and series of draped fabric or metal chains cover the boy's chest and torso. He wears a dark-coloured hat with a light-coloured or silver circular motif at the front.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely, except for the white sheet the child stands on.

See also 1781.b.6/15


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Neffe des reg. Grossscherifs’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 94 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-04-2020, 03:28 PM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

صورة ابن أخ أو أخت الشريف الأكبر

Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length standing portrait shows a very young boy, described in the title as a nephew of the Grand Scharīf. The boy faces forward towards the camera.

A complicated sash, buckle and series of draped fabric or metal chains cover the boy’s chest and torso. He wears a dark-coloured hat with a light-coloured or silver circular motif at the front.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely.

See also 1781.b.6/14


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Neffe des reg. Grossscherifs’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 94 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-04-2020, 03:32 PM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

صورة لرجل مبجل (سيد) التقطت في مكة

Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait of a bearded man described as a ‘distinguished sayyid’ was taken in Mecca. The man faces to his right but looks towards the camera. In his left hand he holds the hilt of a sheathed scimitar.

He wears a plain, dark-coloured outer robe with richly embroidered lapels and an honorific stelliform badge at his neck, as well as a white turban with a dark-coloured cap.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely, except for the carpet on which the sitter’s chair is placed.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Vornehmer Sèjjid in Mekka’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 96 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-04-2020, 03:34 PM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

صورة سيد التقطت في مكة

Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait of a bearded man at Mecca is described in the title as a ‘distinguished sayyid’. The man stands to his right but looks towards the camera. In his left hand he holds the ornate hilt of a sheathed scimitar.

He wears a plain, dark-coloured double-breasted outer robe across which a plaited sword strap is draped. He wears a janbiya at his waist and white keffiyeh held in place by a dark-coloured agal.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places. The original background has been substituted completely, except for the carpet on which the sitter’s chair is placed.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Vornehmer Sèjjid in Mekka’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 96 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-04-2020, 03:36 PM
 Saudi Arabia
تاريخ التسجيل: 13-02-2020
الدولة: أرض الله
المشاركات: 245
معدل تقييم المستوى: 6
محمد عبد الوكيل is on a distinguished road

صورة المؤذن

Genre/Subject Matter:

This full-length seated portrait of a bearded man shows a muezzin, a public crier who proclaims the hours of prayer from a minaret or roof of a mosque. The man faces forward and looks towards the camera. In his right hand he holds the handle of a pale-coloured umbrella or parasol.

He wears a plain, dark-coloured outer robe over a white buttoned undershirt or jalabiya, with a pale-coloured turban on his head.

The negative has had hand-work applied, causing it to take on a soft-shaded quality in places.


Printed above image, in ink:


Printed beneath image, in ink:

‘Mu’èddin (Aufrufer zum Gottesdienste)’

A circular 'British Museum' blind stamp is located in the lower right corner.

Extent and format
1 collotype print
Physical characteristics

130 x 96 mm


1 collotype print


The print is in good condition.



Written in
German in Latin script

المصدر: هنا

رد مع اقتباس
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الكلمات الدلالية (Tags)
(1884م-1889م), تاريخية, صور

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